Poke 中文

Posted : admin On 3/28/2022
Poke 中文
  1. Poke is similar to other Polynesian fish salads such as ika mata in the Cook Islands, kokoda in Fiji, oka in Samoa and 'ota 'ika in Tonga. A very similar dish is the kinilaw of the Philippines, known as the 'Philippine ceviche'. Kinilaw is usually raw diced fish marinated in citrus juice, sour fruits, or vinegar with extracts from mangrove bark or fruits (and sometimes coconut.
  2. MissingNo.的一般形态在各个语言版本中都不一样,其中在互联网上最广为人知的是英文版的一般形态。 在《紅/綠/藍》中,如果将一般形态的MissingNo.和正常宝可梦相比较,牠将是攻击种族值最高的,同时也是防御与速度种族值最低的宝可梦。.
音標:[ pəuk ] 讀音:
Poke 中文用'poke'造句'poke'怎麼讀Poke

Do poke your friends to get their attention. The appeal of poking is a little hard to explain to someone who doesn't already 'get it.' Poking someone on Facebook is a little like poking the person in real life — it's always a way of getting someone's attention, but it can also mean lots of different things.


  • vt.
    1.(用手指、棍子等)戳、刺 (in; up; down), 戳進。
    1.戳,刺 (at)。

    4.(救世軍女軍官等的)帽子的撐邊;有撐邊的女帽〔又叫 poke-bonnet〕。
  • 'poke at' 中文翻譯: 輕輕地撥動, 翻找
  • 'poke into' 中文翻譯: 探聽/干涉..
  • 'eye poke' 中文翻譯: 戳眼睛
  • 'gill poke' 中文翻譯: 旋臂式卸車機
  • 'indian poke' 中文翻譯: 綠黎蘆; 綠藜蘆
  • 'lizard poke' 中文翻譯: 狂暴魔狼
  • 'michael poke' 中文翻譯: 邁克爾波克
  • 'poke a fire' 中文翻譯: 挑火
  • 'poke about' 中文翻譯: 摸索, 尋找
  • 'poke and pry' 中文翻譯: 好管閑事
  • 'poke around' 中文翻譯: 閑逛
  • 'poke away' 中文翻譯: 捅掉
  • 'poke check' 中文翻譯: 捅球手; 用桿捅掉對方運球人的冰球; 杵人阻截
  • 'poke checker' 中文翻譯: 捅球手
  • 'poke door' 中文翻譯: 撥火門
  • 'poke fun at' 中文翻譯: 取笑
  • 'poke gun' 中文翻譯: 手動焊鉗
  • 'poke hole' 中文翻譯: 拔火孔; 撥火孔; 攪拌孔
  • 'poke line' 中文翻譯: 囊網引揚綱; 束網索
  • 'poke net' 中文翻譯: 一種陷阱網
  • 'poke rod' 中文翻譯: 拔動桿; 撥動桿
  • 'poke root' 中文翻譯: 商陸根
  • 'poke up' 中文翻譯: 把火撥旺
  • 'tree poke' 中文翻譯: 樹商陸
  • 'pokcha' 中文翻譯: 波克恰
  • 'poke a hole in the paper' 中文翻譯: 把紙杵個窟窿; 在紙上戳了一個洞; 在紙上捅個洞
  • Poke food through the bars of a cage .
  • I don't want to poke my nose into your affairs .
  • Why are you poking about among my papers ?
  • She poked at her meal unenthusiastically .
  • You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil .
  • She poked her finger into the hole .
  • The room was cold, he poked the fire up a little .
  • You like to poke your nose into other people's business .
  • I'd like to poke around a bit .
  • He pokes his nose into everything .
  • 更多例句: 1 2345
  • (boxing) a blow with the fist; 'I gave him a clout on his nose'
    同義詞:punch, clout, lick, biff, slug,
  • a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow); 'he warned me with a jab with his finger'; 'he made a thrusting motion with his fist'
    同義詞:jab, jabbing, poking, thrust, thrusting,
  • a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases
    同義詞:sack, paper bag, carrier bag,
  • someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
    同義詞:dawdler, drone, laggard, lagger, trailer,
  • tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy stems are edible; berries and root are poisonous
    同義詞:pigeon berry, garget, scoke, Phytolacca americana,
  • poke or thrust abruptly; 'he jabbed his finger into her ribs'
    同義詞:jab, prod, stab, dig,
  • make a hole by poking
  • hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument; 'the salesman pounded the door knocker'; 'a bible-thumping Southern Baptist'
    同義詞:thump, pound,
  • stir by poking; 'poke the embers in the fireplace'
  • search or inquire in a meddlesome way; 'This guy is always nosing around the office'
    同義詞:intrude, horn in, pry, nose,
  • pokeとは意味:1poke n. 突き, つつき; こづくこと; 《口語》 こぶしで毆ること.【動詞+】◆Give him a poke and wake him up. 彼をつついて起こしてやりなさい◆I'll take a poke at him if he doesn't shut up. 《口語》 黙らなければ彼を毆ってやろう.【形容詞 名詞+】◆He threw in an affectionate p...
pokateyevo 中文, pokatilov 中文, pokay 中文, pokayanie 中文, pokcha 中文, poke a fire 中文, poke a hole in the paper 中文, poke about 中文, poke and pry 中文,
PokePoke 中文
poke的中文翻譯,poke是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯poke,poke的中文意思,poke的中文,poke in Chinese,poke怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

Poke 中文意思


Poke 中文

  • my father and two sisters are such heavy sleepers that if you poke them in the ribs they don’t wake up.


  • i poke her in the stomach and she curls up like a hedgehog, giggling.


  • don「t poke people you dont know.


  • on about the fourth time waking up, i thought i felt a poke on the heel of my foot, which is what woke me. i rolled over and looked around the room, but nothing was out of the ordinary.


  • a japanese research team said today it had developed the world」s first 3d television system that allows users to touch, pinch or poke images floating in front of them.


  • what「s more, the pointy edges of the cube would actually poke through the planet」s atmosphere like titanic mountains.


  • be careful to not poke youreye out.


  • many professionals are welded to their smartphones.they are also constantly bombarded with unrelated bits and pieces—a poke from a friend one moment, the latest greek financial tragedy the next.


  • shutting off unneeded services creates a more secure environment with fewer applications and services for potential intruders to poke at.


  • 「by the dye vats, 」 i answered, earning a poke from hattie.


  • that’s at the heart of why i want to go to europa—to find something living in that ocean we can poke at and use to understand and define life in a much more comprehensive way.


  • such applications may be far off, dr. omenetto said, but the potential is vast — a fact he realized when he was first asked to poke holes in silk.


  • should i poke it with my net?


  • the plumberpoked her in the side and told her not to poke her nose into other peoples business. he was still playing and she wasn「t going to plunder the prize that he thought was his!


  • use a spoon to poke into the ice cream. if it’s too hard, leave the yogurt at room temperature for about 15 minutes for it to soften first.


  • i can remember seeing the eye come out of the water and the head and i was going to try and poke it in the eye if i could get close enough.


  • she startled one of the masked performers with a poke to the head because she was 「curious」 what it would feel like.


  • they re always getting patients to poke their tongues out and i ve no idea why it rarely gives any useful information.


  • am i supposed to poke my fingers onto a flat screen and use a keyboard at the same time?


  • then poke your finger into a dry spot on a separate lint-free rag and run it around the perimeter of the window to remove any remaining suds.


  • and not just because you」ll poke someone「s eye out.


  • by adding a guide wire to the tip of a standard iv catheter, amir belson invented an iv that won」t poke vein walls by accident, a problem that can cost hospitals thousands of dollars a week.

    由阿米爾貝爾森發明的在頂端加一根引導管的四號型導尿管,可以避免因不小心而戳穿管壁。 而這種事故會使醫院每周花費上萬美元。

  • if, along the way, they come across a new home under construction, they get angry and poke holes in the walls.


  • but they can be difficult to retrieve, and can poke and tear tissue while lost.


  • the electrodes used were non-penetrating, meaning they sit between the patient’s brain and skull, but do not actually poke into the brain.


  • if your unconscious is saying don’t take that job, go on that date, poke that skunk - take heed.
