Biggest Poker Mistakes

Posted : admin On 4/2/2022
  1. Biggest Poker Mistakes Videos
  2. Biggest Poker Mistakes Ever
  3. Biggest Poker Mistakes 2020
  4. Biggest Poker Mistakes List
  5. Biggest Mistakes Poker Players Make

Come and cry on my shoulders. To err on camera is entertainment!

This is a discussion on My biggest mistakes when playing poker within the online poker forums, in the Learning Poker section; 1. Do other things at the same time. Playing on tilt. The 7 biggest poker beginner mistakes you need to know Jan 01, 2021 Clare Louise Casino Comments Off on The 7 biggest poker beginner mistakes you need to know Like In motobolapoker, if in half an hour you do not find the duck on the table, it is because the duck is you. Finally, one of the biggest mistakes poker players make is thinking you can just wing it. As we stated earlier, poker is not a game of chance. On the contrary, as a trade of skills, it requires knowledge and empiric experiences to master. Deciding your bet sizes and when to fold and call is not something that just “comes to you”.

Oops! They say you should learn from your mistakes. Well, we put five big ones from the expanded PokerStars archive, so maybe you can learn from these guys’ mistakes instead. Sam, please, don’t bluff. When you’re convinced you’re beat, it’s tempting to make cards at showdown. But in the Barcelona Main Event in 2010, Giuseppe Pantaleo learned a valuable lesson.

So two big stacks go to the flop. And the flop is queen high. Nothing for either player. This is a fairly safe flop to continuation bet.

This only hits a queen and the club flush draw. He can bet and take it down. Or he can think about it and check back.

The queen comes on the turn. There’s also a third club. And Lizano feels like he can steal it.

Giuseppe slowed down on the flop. Jesus is going to take a stab. 230,000. Again, Giuseppe’s going to think about this.

We saw him happily float against Chandler DeVries.Yup. And it looks like that’s what’s going to go on here, Giuseppe has a cunning plan in store. He’s going to float this turn with nothing to try to win this pot on the river.

They both have the same hand. Queens and deuces with a jack kicker. The aggressor will probably win this pot. Lizano has not shut down, he bets a second time.

Biggest Poker Mistakes

And Giuseppe’s reaching for chips. It looks like his plan is falling into place. He’s going to raise Jesus off this chop-pot. Makes it 790,000. How much?

Jesus thinks Pantaleo is on the steal. Can he find the courage to re-raise him? Well, Jesus can’t possibly call this river raise.

He could only be good if Giuseppe was calling his turn bet with a complete air ball to bluff the river. To win, he needs to re-raise. He’s called! Immediately! Well, it’s going to be a chop-pot. Whoa!

Pantaleo’s just mucked! Giuseppe just forfeited the pot by mucking hand and it would have been a chop-pot. Yeah, but you don’t think someone’s going to be calling you with the same hand, do you? That’s exactly why he mucked! I can’t believe Lizano called there with jack high, and I can’t believe he just mucked!

I had the jack high, too. Yeah, I saw it. You saw it? Well if there’s one lesson to be learned, never muck your cards until your opponent’s hand has been revealed.

Bluff called off a chop. Yes, that actually happened. At number 4, Neil Farrell blasts off in full Farrell-do fashion on the bubble of the 2014 Barcelona Main Event. Olly Price calls out to the big blind with jack-8. And we’re going three-way to the flop. Top set for Lamprecht.

Hey, all right, you flopped a set, James Woods from The Hard Way. He checks. Price, who has nothing– And this is weird. –leads for 13,500. Most folks are never leading anything here, but Olly’s no slouch. My guess is that this is part of an overall strategy we’re not privy to yet.

Farrell calls with ace high. Not surprising, Olly’s lead usually isn’t very strong. Lamprecht it is going to want to raise here, but I’m not sure he needs to.

He’s basically got a lock on this hand against even really strong ranges. He’s made it 36,500. Gets a fold from Price. I’d be far more surprised to see Neil call now.

He pretty much has bottom of his calling range to the original bet, let alone this one. Isn’t that right, James Woods from Cat’s Eye? Call. Well, I guess we’re going to turn. Now and James Woods from Videodrome looks kind of sick about it, I don’t know why. Ace of hearts on the turn.

Puts a flush draw out there. Should be a pretty easy shove for Lamprecht, he’s got about half pot. All in. There he goes.

Ooh, piece of candy. And I guess Farrell feels he’s getting a good price. He might think he has the call and he probably hates it. Could just be dead.

This could be fun. Calling on the flop was probably the worst decision by a Farrell since the movie Phone Booth. But I like Phone Booth. This is not going to buy this Farrell a new house.

He calls. Do I have to show? Ha ha. I did not think you would have that.

It’s on TV. And Neil Farrell is drawing dead. Lamprecht will double up here. I would’ve lost all this stuff, you couldn’t even shove it anyway, that’s fine.

Biggest Poker Mistakes Videos


Nice hand. And kind of lucky too. What a bizarre hand. Oh, bad news, Farrell-do. Gotcha!

At number 3, it’s another hand from Barcelona. Maybe it’s the heat. In the Super High Roller in 2014, Martin Jacobson did a Neil Farrell.

We’re going three-way to the flop. And that flop has a 4 on it. A set for Colman. What’s Martin doing?

Biggest Poker Mistakes

He should be checking here. This is bad timing. He leads the flop for 77,000. I like a flat call from Colman, because they think Martin’s donk leading this flop with a bad hand way more often than a good one. So Dan raises, he probably gets two folds way too often, which you don’t want, you want Martin to keep bluffing. Colman does just call.

And Seidel folds. We’ll never know what he had. 10 on the turn. Jacobson now with a gut shot.

Martin’s probably never going to get a fold here unless the board runs out so badly for 4’s that it makes his hand actually win. He’s betting again, which is just 9% equity. 155,000.

There’s not much more reason for Dan to fold now than there was on the flop. 7-8 out there. Once again, Colman just calls.

627,000 in the middle. One card to come. And that card is a king. A set of 4’s are good. Yeah, I don’t think Dan’s ever folding. Hopefully Martin just gives up.

All in. He bluff shoves! Or he just blasts off. Probably not going to work. Quick call from Colman.

And Jacobson’s out! Yeah, you probably got me, huh? Let me just calmly take a second before exiting this 50K tournament.

Nice hand. Martin Jacobson, the eternal bridesmaid on the European Poker Tour. Good luck, guys. He’ll be off to Vegas in November to compete at the World Series of Poker Main Event Final Table. Wow. That was [INAUDIBLE].

Huh? That was a gift. It was. Really.

Say, I’ve never seen him doing something like this. Yeah. That was ambitious. Huh? That was ambitious.

You [INAUDIBLE] to do stuff like that. Guess so. Only against you, kid.

Only against you. Don’t cry for either of those guys. Both won eight figure scores at the WSOP that year. Now, guess what hand number 2 is from?

Yes, more Barcelona buffoonery! In 2012, the year of the Filson Hats, Mikalai Pobal forgot a cardinal rule at the final table of the main event. You know, Pobal’s supposed to be wearing the silver hat, but he didn’t want to play the hat game. And he claims he likes to party. Flop is king high with two hearts, top pair for Jouhkimainen, nut flush draw for Pobal.

Biggest Poker Mistakes Ever

That’s a flop that’s usually going to generate a lot of action. Pobal should have no problem seed betting here. Ace high is going to be ahead plenty, and if not, he’s building a nice pot towards the nut flush. Pobal does bet– 450,000. As you can see, even against top pair, he’s not that big of a dog.

Absolutely no reason Jouhkimainen should be folding top pair just yet. Maybe not even if another heart hits. Joni will call. And we go to the turn. I bet he wishes he had a hat now.

3 of diamonds. Pretty innocuous card. Jouhkimainen checks top pair a second time, Pobal checks behind. Opts to take the free card. And it’s a heart on the river, Pobal now with the stone cold nuts.

Jouhkimainen checks to him. And he checks behind? You can’t do that! Up goes the nuts. Oh [BLEEP]! Wow, after playing for five days and 12 hours, mistakes like that can happen sometimes.


What you have? Second nuts? No, he has the nuts. I don’t have second nuts.

One hand? One round. One hour. One round. One hour. It’s actually against the rules to check back the nuts.

So he’ll– we’ll be playing the next hand when he’s big blind. When he’s the big blind next, he will be able to get back in. Mikalai Pobal gets a one orbit penalty.

And for right now, you can just stand right here. It won’t take long. It’s three hands. Yep. Who in the [BLEEP] forgets that? Well, controversially, we are leaving Barcelona for the conclusion of our countdown.

The biggest head scratcher of all time comes from Poker After Dark. It takes a lot to make Phil Ivey’s jaw drop, but that’s exactly what happened during the first season of the show. She’s got low [INAUDIBLE]. Raise to 1,200. The [INAUDIBLE].

Biggest Poker Mistakes 2020

I think you would call with this hand, Patrick. Button raise, there’s never anything. Contrary to what Patrick might think, Jennifer has a real hand and it just got better. She’s flopped top set, Patrick flopped a pair of 10’s with a gut shot straight draw.

Biggest Poker Mistakes List

Bet 2,000. Check. Full house? I can’t beat that. I thought you had pocket kings. I was like.

Biggest Mistakes Poker Players Make

I almost thought I had you. Aww. Surrounded by that line, you can’t help but feel for her.

Well those are the top five mistakes that hopefully you will repeat.